“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”
– Jojen Reed, A Dance with Dragons, Book 5 of ‘A Song of Ice & Fire’

I haven’t been able to write a blog entry for the whole month 😦 .
I have been busy reading the ‘A Song of Ice & Fire’ series (splendid storyline…though I prefer Tolkein’s stories & story telling.)

Recently I had a fascinating conversation with my cousins in which it was pointed out that one reads books of the fantasy fiction genre to escape reality. As our discussion progressed, we agreed that one does this with any book, tv show too.

Whenever we come across any interesting story…in a book or a television show, we usually get involved with the plot a lot. Some of us try to predict whats going to happen next while some put themselves in the main character’s shoes.

The mark of a good story is that it gets the audience deeply immersed in the storyline & the incidents in the story affect the audience too.

An interesting trend that has emerged nowadays is that in job interviews, questions are asked on your reading habits. Websites often advise you to give answers like some autobiographies of some great individuals. Its a pity that such kind of shams are necessary for some.

Its a known fact that complex stories make a person think more since understanding the story & predicting its future twists & turns requires more usage of your grey matter.

Which is why , I usually stay away from light books.
I prefer long book series which usually translates to complex stories.
But there are always exceptions. Ayn Rand’s single book stories are a wealth of ideas & strong characters which I love to read regularly ….atleast once per year.

Nowadays a lot of movies/shows are based on books – from the Harry Potter series to the Lord of the Rings…to the Game of Thrones.
While movies/shows serve as a summary of the whole book series, the true essence of the story can be felt only by reading the original books.
So if you like something you see on the TV, don’t forget to read the inspiration behind it.

2 thoughts on “Reading Books

  1. Yea, i adore fountainhead. Am reading atlas shrugged, but its so endlessss! Hope its worth the effort. I have an eat pray love hangover right now, not able to get involved with any other book yet, u know.

    1. ‘Atlas Shrugged’ is definitely worth the effort. Though the ‘bad guys’ in the ‘The Fountainhead’ are stronger & more intelligent thus making the fight between right & wrong more interesting.
      I love reading books….but getting immersed in them unfortunately hampers other activities…which is why I try to stay away from books unless they are really worth it.

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